Monday, September 12, 2016

Professor graded paper

From the standard email notification, I know the professor finished his review and grading of my signature assignment a few days ago. Unfortunately, the course closed ("shut down") before I had a chance to review the comments. I am sure I will stumble upon the comments soon. I thought they would appear on the TaskStream page, but they are not there...

TaskStream page for paper

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


I received an update on my signature assignment. It passed the internet and other checks (meaning that I did not plagiarize!). The paper will be graded...

I was worried about the length. I guess it is not a problem. I really liked that introduction that pulled the various papers together (connected dots). Great!

My related concept map/domain model is available at:

(click to enlarge)

Friday, September 2, 2016

Course requirements completed

Tropical Storm Hermine hit Gainesville late yesterday. The power at my apartment went out for a very short while. Now everything is back to normal. 

I submitted my signature assignment yesterday before the storm so an extended power outage would not have caused much headache or worries (about submitting the assignment). I will leave the assignment as is. This means that I have completed the course! I await feedback from the professor.

News story about the storm:

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Draft submitted

I just submitted a draft of my signature assignment proposal! After lots of work, I completed a new draft of the signature assignment proposal and decided to submitted it. I can submit/upload a new file anytime before the due date. Not sure what I'll do at this point. I may work on shortening the draft.

Links to the draft: