Monday, September 12, 2016

Professor graded paper

From the standard email notification, I know the professor finished his review and grading of my signature assignment a few days ago. Unfortunately, the course closed ("shut down") before I had a chance to review the comments. I am sure I will stumble upon the comments soon. I thought they would appear on the TaskStream page, but they are not there...

TaskStream page for paper

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


I received an update on my signature assignment. It passed the internet and other checks (meaning that I did not plagiarize!). The paper will be graded...

I was worried about the length. I guess it is not a problem. I really liked that introduction that pulled the various papers together (connected dots). Great!

My related concept map/domain model is available at:

(click to enlarge)

Friday, September 2, 2016

Course requirements completed

Tropical Storm Hermine hit Gainesville late yesterday. The power at my apartment went out for a very short while. Now everything is back to normal. 

I submitted my signature assignment yesterday before the storm so an extended power outage would not have caused much headache or worries (about submitting the assignment). I will leave the assignment as is. This means that I have completed the course! I await feedback from the professor.

News story about the storm:

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Draft submitted

I just submitted a draft of my signature assignment proposal! After lots of work, I completed a new draft of the signature assignment proposal and decided to submitted it. I can submit/upload a new file anytime before the due date. Not sure what I'll do at this point. I may work on shortening the draft.

Links to the draft:

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Work continues

I spent quite some time today looking for related journal articles. I even contacted the NCU Library for help with one article (see screenshots below). I found some good ones. The articles will be used to justify hypotheses as well as the research design. Work continues.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Work on the signature assignment continues

Since the last update, I made some changes so that the proposal (signature assignment) would fill 12-15 pages. I now have a good draft. Still a lot of work left...

(click to enlarge)

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Making progress...

I came up with a revised research purpose as well as revised research questions. Making progress!

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Research problem for the signature assignment

I am currently writing a longer research problem for my signature assignment (since the proposal will be longer than previous proposals). One small change here and there and before you know it, you are making lots of changes. Maybe rewriting the entire thing...

 (click to enlarge)
The second assignment on the design of surveys/questionnaires for research uploaded to Academia...

First assignment for Week 11 submitted

I just added a post on mixed methods research (submitted the first assignment for week 11)...


Almost the end of the course!

I received feedback from the professor on the last paper (the quantitative proposal). He had quite a lot of comments/questions! For the final proposal (the signature assignment), I think I will improve upon the last paper - address the comments/questions etc. This means that it will be a quantitative research proposal. It should also fill the 12 - 15 pages.

(click to enlarge)

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Getting close to finishing the assignments. I found an article on the inaccuracies and errors that can occur because of survey design - similar issues I discussed in my article on UI design and data quality:

Improving Data Quality: User Interface Design and Functional Requirements

(also available at:


(click to enlarge)

Interesting articles/stories I found on the internet that are related to my topic(s)...

"engagement doesn’t always seem to add up..."
- From The Dark Side of High Employee Engagement

This story reminds me of the study on the effect of smoke-free regs...
DC Restaurants Lose Eight Jobs a Day as Wage Hikes Take Effect

My critical review of the study on the effect of smoke-free regulations:

5 Secrets to Increase Employee Engagement with Technology

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Making progress

I am still working...I made lots of progress today. I found the survey design questions really interesting.

(click to enlarge)

Risk management

I decided to start working on the second assignment to reduce the risk that I miss the deadline (cannot submit something - even a partial paper) because the internet goes out again. One needs to think of these things.

Internet up again

The internet is up and running again. A few minutes ago, I used the computer (and internet) to update the header section on this blog.

It was good practice using HTML. I forgot some details though. I looked up HTML tables at (a familiar website from UMBC - it was required reading at UMBC for one of the basic courses on HTML and CSS).

Working despite issues

The internet is still down at my apartment community here in Gainesville,  FL. It was down last night too (see post:
I am using my cell phone to post.

Luckily,  I downloaded and reviewed the requirements for week 11 before the internet shutdown. I need to complete two deliverables/assignments: a post on mixed methods research and comments on the design of a survey.

I have several papers on mixed methods research (used for the very first assignment/post week for the course). I am using those articles to prepare a post...

(also reviewing some old photos)

Making good progress

The paper is about 95% complete at this point. I need to address some of the professor's comments from the last paper (some no longer apply) and look up a few things. Work continues.

(click to enlarge)


I decided to change the research problem description and purpose. I worked on a draft last night. I now need to enter into the document and make edits.

Work continues.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Making progress

I am making good progress. I like my current draft. The articles I found were really helpful, especially the article titled 'Human Resources or Information Technology: What Is More Important for Companies in the Digital Era' (link:

I have to work on (further wordsmith) the research questions. I would prefer no parentheses, but I think the information in those parentheses provide information that helps with understanding.

Work continues...

Back at it...

I am now continuing work on my assignment. I want this proposal to be really good!

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Taking a break...

I am making lots of progress. I will now take a break and continue this work later. I need to think about the right theory to use...

Work continues...

Working on my quantitative research proposal...I will combine compensation and IT.
I am a little tired, but I have to keep going.

(click image to enlarge)

Sunday, August 14, 2016

I just updated the LinkedIn URL in my last post. I'm not sure why the link went dead.
(New link:
I am thinking about next week's proposal. Maybe I should stick with the same problem and questions.

Close to finishing assingment 9

After receiving my paper with comments from the professor, I decided to resubmit the paper (same research problem, purpose, questions etc.) and address his questions and issues. I think this is the way to go and I am learning a lot.

Work continues...

(click to enlarge)

I hope to submit in an hour or so.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

I am currently working on a modified research problem (it will change after all!). I am performing library searches to find new articles. A lot of work ahead!

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

On to the next assignment

I am now working on assignment 9. I need to provide a topic, research problem, research questions and other details for the signature assignment. I think I will continue/reuse a problem included in a previous paper. I think it needs to be quantitative...

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Just like other reported data (financial statements etc.), there may be problems with reported hand hygiene compliance rates. I just read it at this website: (shown below).

I remember a visitor made a similar comment on one of my papers years ago. He said something like...Good analysis, but the financial data provided by companies may not be accurate. It was a paper on portfolio analysis (finance).

Assignment 8 is about 90% complete. Work continues...

I am making good progress with assignment 8. I should complete it by the deadline (tomorrow). I am now looking up theories and control variables.

I found this interesting paper on executive compensation and company performance that includes two theories:
Executive compensation structure and company performance

Friday, August 5, 2016

Work continues...

I am now reviewing comments from the professor on the last paper and incorporating into the paper for week 8. Lots of comments/changes! This worked out. I am happy that I am waited for comments.

Work continues. And in a few short weeks, the course will be finished!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Now working on assignment 8

I am now working on assignment 8. I basically need to refine the research problem, purpose of study, and research questions from the previous assignment and add some additional details.
I made a short video...

I also discovered a glitch/bug. While logged into YouTube, I tried to share the video (from YouTube) to this blog and at the same time create a post, but the video transferred to my weight loss blog in error. I ended up creating the (this) post in Blogger rather than via YouTube.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Assignment 7 completed

I completed and submitted assignment 7 - a quantitative study. My study is on employee compensation and performance in healthcare. The paper:

Exploring the Quantitative Methodology for Research

I received my grade for the qualitative proposal with comments from the professor. I had some questions so I sent an email.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Good information. Hopefully the state of Washington still provides that infection data on its website. "Swedish Medical Center"...interesting hospital name...

Article available at:

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

I am working on assignment 7 - looking for articles to support my problem statement, working on the purpose of the study etc. I just spent some time searching for articles & other resources in the NCU library. I found some good articles.

I am liking the topic more and more. I found one article on the bundling of strategies to prevent infection control / improve hand hygiene compliance. The authors referred to this as multimodal strategies. Of course, this reminded me of a paper I completed on multimodal biometrics for mobile privacy and security (paper: I liked that topic a lot!

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

The long version of my data mining paper using baseball data:
(the professor sent it back for me to remove the appendix & meet the 2-3 page requirements).

I actually found research that used the same data:

Article: Compensation and performance in Major League Baseball: Evidence from salary dispersion and team performance
By Tao, Y., Chuang, H., & Lin, E. S.

Maybe I should do something similar with healthcare data. Interesting!

Moving on to Quantitative Study

This week, I move on to quantitative research. One option is to modify the previous research questions used for the qualitative study (& continue to look at the same research topic and problem). Another is to develop new research questions. I decided to develop new questions for a related problem. Should be interesting...

Work continues.