First research proposal for the course... Second research proposal for the course... Final research proposal/signature assignment...
A Qualitative Study on Employee Monitoring Quantitative Study on Performance Impacts of IT Due: 9/4/2016
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Monday, September 12, 2016

Professor graded paper

From the standard email notification, I know the professor finished his review and grading of my signature assignment a few days ago. Unfortunately, the course closed ("shut down") before I had a chance to review the comments. I am sure I will stumble upon the comments soon. I thought they would appear on the TaskStream page, but they are not there...

TaskStream page for paper

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


I received an update on my signature assignment. It passed the internet and other checks (meaning that I did not plagiarize!). The paper will be graded...

I was worried about the length. I guess it is not a problem. I really liked that introduction that pulled the various papers together (connected dots). Great!

My related concept map/domain model is available at:

(click to enlarge)

Friday, September 2, 2016

Course requirements completed

Tropical Storm Hermine hit Gainesville late yesterday. The power at my apartment went out for a very short while. Now everything is back to normal. 

I submitted my signature assignment yesterday before the storm so an extended power outage would not have caused much headache or worries (about submitting the assignment). I will leave the assignment as is. This means that I have completed the course! I await feedback from the professor.

News story about the storm:

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Draft submitted

I just submitted a draft of my signature assignment proposal! After lots of work, I completed a new draft of the signature assignment proposal and decided to submitted it. I can submit/upload a new file anytime before the due date. Not sure what I'll do at this point. I may work on shortening the draft.

Links to the draft:

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Work continues

I spent quite some time today looking for related journal articles. I even contacted the NCU Library for help with one article (see screenshots below). I found some good ones. The articles will be used to justify hypotheses as well as the research design. Work continues.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Work on the signature assignment continues

Since the last update, I made some changes so that the proposal (signature assignment) would fill 12-15 pages. I now have a good draft. Still a lot of work left...

(click to enlarge)